Frequently Asked Questions about Avera Retrosa

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What is the wheel size of Avera Retrosa

Avera Retrosa
Avera Retrosa
Rs. 1.28 Lakh
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Must Read Questions & Answers Before Buying Retrosa

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Q. I want to a purchase Avera Retrosa. Is there any problem?
  • Don't buy this scooter. Their service is very bad. After 1 year, the scooter shows a lot of problems, first there were issues with the motor , then the battery and then the charger , it almost been a month I didn't get my charger repaired nor did they provide with a charger which I could use for the time being, so I asked them to get me a new one that also I didn't get yet , more than a week passed. They don't provide home service also , have to travel far distance to get my scooter work done and have to spend the whole day or sometimes 5-6 days if there is a big issue
  • One of the worst after-sales services, I bought this bike and in less than a year the battery started giving issues battery is getting charged to only 50% and when I went to check with the service center they also said that this bike has many problems and they now have stopped importing the bike because of the very poor bike and worst service provided by them, please don't buy this brand... they don't even reply to their channel partners for after-sales services...and in case you buy this brand you will be left out on your own to deal with it. I would say invest the same in some other good brands like chetak, ola, Ather 450 X
  • No boot space
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Q. AVERA E Retrosa scooter battery pack are lithium-ion or lithium-phosphate?
  • The Avera Retrosa is powered by a Lithium-ion 72 V battery.
  • No Sir, AVERA uses Lithium-Iron Phosphate
Q. Want dealership?
  • For this, we would suggest you have a word with the brand directly.
  • Yes
Q. How much units does Avera Retrosa consume to charge?
  • The units of electricity required will depend on source current/voltage, charging time, and specifications of the charger. Moreover, we would suggest you get in touch with the authorized dealership as they will be better persons to assist you in this concern. Click on the given link and select your desired city for dealership details.
Q. Does Avera Retrosa requires License? Can anyone drive at the age 16 years?
  • Avera Retrosa is powered by a 3kW Bosch hub motor, which is good for a claimed range of 140km and a top speed of 90kmph. Any vehicle that has has top speed of more than 25kmph and a motor bigger than 250 W would require a proper license and registration.
Q. Can I get in Kannur, Kerala - Retrosa?
  • Avera Retrosa currently has nine dealerships in Andhra Pradesh. Plans are afoot to sell the Retrosa in the southern states of Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala by May this year. Avera plans to expand to the northern states by the third quarter of this year. Stay tuned for further updates. Read More: - Avera Showcases Its Retrosa Electric Scooter At Auto Expo 2020
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